Ssssss. Whooooooooo. Bleurgghh. Hawwww! What might our kidneys desire amidst Winter slumber?What might our liver want for us in the Spring? How are the lungs and their paired organ, the skin, responding to the change in air and touch? In this workshop for Squishy sessions we attempted to dissolve the normalised divisions between mind and body using creative, sensual connections to forge, join and listen to the messages of participants deepest interiors. Drawing upon Taoist understanding of the organs as alive emotional beings, attendees used painting, writing, drawing, sound, playfulness, attentiveness, colour, kindness, imagination and curious visuals to journey, meet, greet and attend to vulnerable, tender, interior selves.
Workshop, 30 mins, 2021.
Coloured pencil drawings by workshop participant Catherine Monahon.